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    Lawn Care Franchise Locations Nationwide

  • Every Year for 40 Years


    Entrepreneur - Franchise 500

Why invest in yourself with Lawn Doctor?

  • $78 Billion Per Year Industry

    34.5 million households hire a lawn service

  • Recurring Revenue

    Annual programs with multiple revenue streams

  • Recession Resistant

    Operations with recurring and multiple revenue streams.

  • High Customer Retention

    Average annual customer retention rate of 80%

Is a Lawn Doctor Franchise Right for You?

  • The Ideal Candidate

    Get a general picture of Lawn Doctor Franchisees with various backgrounds

  • Earning Potential

    Single and multi-territory opportunities in markets nationwide

  • Franchise Investment

    For a single territory, the total investment costs range from $133,475 - $149,027.

How We Set You Up for Success

Lawn and landscape services are a $78 Billion Per Year Industry, and each year, more and more homeowners switch away from do-it-yourself lawn care to effective professional solutions. As we seek to expand our business footprint, we are looking for future lawn service franchise owners who share our commitment to excellence and our drive towards market leadership.

Call 800.989.1903 and speak with a Franchise Development Specialist today!

Learn More about our Franchise Opportunities!

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By providing the information on the form above, including phone number, and clicking submit, I consent to receive email messages and texts from Lawn Doctor franchise. Please note, you will be provided an opportunity to opt out of text messaging with any text message you receive.

Dave’s Life Changed With Lawn Doctor

Since 1990, Dave & Dawn Mlotkewicz have been Lawn Doctor franchisees. Hear the heartwarming story of why they decided to open a Lawn Doctor franchise and how it has positively impacted their life.

Their story is similar to the hundreds of other franchisees currently part of the Lawn Doctor family. Take the first step and call 800.989.1903 to speak with a Franchise Development Specialist today!

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I couldn’t ask for a better situation for raising a family, taking care of a family and having the ability to prioritize between personal and business. The kids know they come first. I truly feel like one of the luckiest people on the planet. Everyone wishes they had a business like the one I have with Lawn Doctor.

-Brent Harl, CO

Success is measured by happiness. Owning a Lawn Doctor franchise has made a huge difference to us. We’ve been able to spend time with our kids, and now our grandkids, providing them with what they need including a college education without stress. I think we’ve achieved happiness because of this.

-Betsy Demeyer

Business ownership has been an amazing experience that I’ve shared with my family, my Lawn Doctor Family, and my friends, and I couldn’t have planned it any better!

-Dave Mlotkiewicz

Stay Up to Date With Lawn Doctor

Call 800.989.1903 and speak with a Franchise Development Specialist today!

Learn More about our Franchise Opportunities!

Take The First Step

By providing the information on the form above, including phone number, and clicking submit, I consent to receive email messages and texts from Lawn Doctor franchise. Please note, you will be provided an opportunity to opt out of text messaging with any text message you receive.

We Proudly Support Veterans, Minorities & Community

This information is not intended as an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy, a franchise. It is for information purposes only. Currently, California, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin regulate the offer and sale of franchises. If you are a resident of or wish to locate a franchise in one of these states, we will not offer you a franchise unless and until we have complied with applicable pre-sale registration and disclosure requirements in your state.