Join An Innovative And Family-Oriented
Lawn Care Franchise

Lawn care industry statistics:

  • $78
    industry with an
    annual growth
    of 3.9%*
  • A well-manicured
    lawn can
    add 11%
    to the perceived
    value of a home
  • 21%
    of homeowners
    loathe yardwork, or are
    intimidated by it**
  • 75% of

    think it’s important
    to spend time outside
    in the yard
  • Homeowners are
    willing to pay up to
    for specialty lawn care
    services annually***
  • 42%
    of homeowners hire lawn service companies because
    they don’t have the
    knowledge, skills or
    physical ability***

Own a Lawn Doctor franchise in Kansas City & Enjoy a Greener Future

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Success is measured by happiness. Owning a Lawn Doctor franchise has made a huge difference to us. We’ve been able to spend time with our kids, and now our grandkids, providing them with what they need including a college education without stress. I think we’ve achieved happiness because of this.


Betsy Demeyer,
Franchisee, Connecticut

Ready to join an innovative and family-oriented franchise?

Find the best of both worlds with Lawn Doctor Franchise